St Peter's,
Welcome to St Peter's, Wrestlingworth
Whoever you are, you are welcome here!
Nestled in the picturesque village of Wrestlingworth, St Peter's offers a warm welcome to both the village and wider community. We are a growing congregation and desire to be a spiritual home for people of all ages and stages. Please do explore these pages to find out more about us and what's happening and if you would like to find our more about what's happening, do get in touch. We would love to hear from you!
Services at St Peter's Wrestlingworth take place at 11am.
All are warmly welcome.
December 2024
Sunday 1st December 11am Advent Sunday Communion
Sunday 8th December 11am Sunday Praise
Sunday 15th December 9.30am Benefice Communion at All Saints, Eyeworth
Sunday 22nd December 11am Parish Communion
Tuesday 24th December 3pm Outdoor Nativity at Dunton Christmas Eve Community Garden
6pm Lessons & Carols at St Peter’s
11.30pm Midnight Mass at St MaryMagdalene
Sunday 29th December 11am Parish Communion
January 2025
Sunday 5th January 11am Epiphany Parish Communion
Sunday 12th January 11am Sunday Praise
Sunday 19th January 9.30am Benefice Communion Service at St Mary Magdalene, Dunton
Sunday 26th January 11am Parish Communion
February 2025
Sunday 2nd February 11am Parish Communion Candlemas
4pm Confirmation Service at St Mary Magdalene, Dunton
As part of our commitment to the Eco Church programme and our support of the Church of England’s ‘Net zero carbon by 2030’ target, we are going to replace our current heating system which relies on, in part, inefficient convector heaters. The new installation will be comprised entirely of infra-red radiant heaters positioned strategically around the church and, being more efficient, will considerably reduce the energy used and the running costs incurred.
Before we install such a system, we are required by the diocese to ensure that we have the community’s support. If you wish to consult the documentation that we have submitted to the diocese, please click on the following link:
Details are given in the attached Public Notice on how to contact the diocesan registrar if you have any objections. Thank you.
About Us
We are part of The United Benefice of Dunton, Wrestlingworth and Eyeworth serving Wrestlingworth, a small rural village with a population of 750+ people, on the border with Cambridgeshire. The village has a Church Infant School which is federated with Dunton Church of England Junior School. The Rector takes whole school Collective Worship in church every week.
The electoral roll is 34 and the P.C.C. is active and committed including 6 lay members who are elected to serve 3 years on a rotational basis. We have a representative on the Deanery Synod and Diocesan Synod and additional officers for Finance and Restoration. Social activities include Coffee Mornings; Café Church, Open Garden and other events (see notices). Refreshments and occasional "Bring and Share" lunches are held after the Sunday morning services.
The aims of our Mission Action Plan are to grow deeper in God's love; grow closer together and grow into all that God has in church for our lives and community By 2023 we want the age profile of our church to have changed and for younger children and families to feel at home in our regular church services. To that end we have established "Rainbow Rock" an area of resources and activities and "fun bags" to help children worship alongside adults. Peter dolls are given out to the very youngest as they are welcomed into church for the first time.